Kamuela Philharmonic Innocent Beginnings Promo Image

Kamuela Philharmonic presents Innocent Beginnings

Marketing Collateral Creation / Event Marketing & Promotion

Date:  January 2020
Client: Kamuela Philharmonic
Role: Graphic Designer, marketing strategist
URL: kamuelaphil.org

About the Client and Project...

Every season, generally in September, the Kamuela Philharmonic Orchestra (KPO) conducts a youth concerto competition that showcases the talents of many of the state of Hawai’i’s talented young musicians— from ages six to the age of 18. This concert, Innocent Beginnings—held at Kahilu Theatre in the winter of 2020, was the culmination of the competition process for the winners for KPO’s 2019-2021 MasterWorks Season.

This concert was their chance to be featured performing artists, showcasing their skills, on a big stage in a professional setting with a full orchestra backing them. It was a big deal for these budding virtuosos!

The Youth Concerto Competition and the Youth Competition Winners Concert are not only a big deal for all the young musicians who participate in it, but it is one of the core programs for the Kamuela Philharmonic. And, it just so happens that this particular concert is a true highlight of the Orchestra’s MasterWorks Season.

For the Innocent Beginnings project, I handled the end-to-end marketing process to promote the concert.

My tasks included designing all of the promotional collateral, taking event photography, laying out and facilitating the printing of the concert program, building and managing the Innocent Beginnings event on kamuelaphil.org (event page creation, blog posts, other website updates), facilitating radio ads on Hawai‘i Public Radio (HPR), social media marketing (Mailchimp email marketing campaigns, Facebook and Instagram posts and advertising), and other forms of publicity and advertising.

It was a big project with many moving parts. With a project of this size—any project for that matter—it required strong lines of communication with my client, which in this case was the board of directors and other key members of the Kamuela Philharmonic.

I’m happy to say that the Innocent Beginnings concert turned out to be the Kamuela Philharmonic’s highest-grossing Youth Concerto Competition Winner Concert in the organization’s history when it was all said and done.

Print media DESIGN

Posters / Newspaper Ads / Concert Program
Poster for Innocent Beginnings (11" x 17")
11" x 17" Poster
Poster for Innocent Beginnings (8.5" x 11")
8.5" x 11" Poster

Innocent Beginnings Concert Program

Newspaper ad for Innocent Beginnings
3x4 Newspaper Ad

Digital Media Design

Social Media / Website Header / Mailchimp Email Marketing / Event Page Creation
Innocent Beginnings Social Media
Instagram & Facebook
Innocent Beginnings header for kahilutheatre.org
Header Image - kahilutheatre.org
Promo image for Kahilu Theatre lobby screens
Promo Image for Theatre Lobby Screens
Kamuela Philharmonic homepage featuring Innocent Beginnings
Kamuelaphil.org Homepage Hero Image
Mailchimp email design for Innocent Beginnings
Mailchimp Email Campaign
Event page on kamuelaphil.org
Event Page on kamuelaphil.org

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